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Igor's Adult Webmaster Photo Blog: Vcity Photo

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Igor ( )

Igor: I am sorry to inform you that JAY posting under is in fact a compilation of 5 different porn stars. It was not that easy toi locate the original source, because Jay not only added a pussy piercing (photoshop) to her pics but also altered the color temperature, saturation and gradient levels - which made it impossible to find the original pics thru our image search bots. is one of 14 proofs that our screener put together. The upper pic is "JAY", the pic beneath is the original...a porn star pic from 2003.

The arrows show some details on the original pic which cannot be accidentally the same..water drops are always random.

Enjoy our screener playing Sherlock Holmes and sorry for the fakers on VCity.


PS: We will leave Jays blog open for the next 12 hours so you can look at her pics and check out the photo shopped pussy piercings....two of them are real and the rest have been photoshopped onto the pics. And you can also look at other details: Jay has 5 different nipples for example...hehehe

VCity Vcity

Dec. 3, 2014    294,420    23    105
Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Igor ( )



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"The guy who takes the blame for every fukkin issue and every single fukkin problem on VoyeurClouds and VCity. The guy who calculates the popularity stars of more than 100,000 users (for everyone of them) while taking his shower in the morning and enters them into the system while having breakfast - every day."


Posting since: 11 years, 10 months

Total Posts: 36 photos

Followers: 366

Igor's Adult Webmaster Photo Blog

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flag as inappropriateIick2luv    Dec. 3, 2016

Juice for breakfast

flag as inappropriate HJ    Sept. 9, 2015

By the way Igor thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog the other day!! I honestly was worried at first from you commenting I did post something wrong. Have to admit there are a few gentlemen that are kind with there words here and respect my limits of what I might post etc!! Really shouldn't have posted a few of them but did lol!! Now on that fact you have me wondering what you desire to really see posted??? I think you a sexy bum man myself!! Write me back if you wish to do so etc!! HJ xoxo

flag as inappropriate Can_Couple    Dec. 4, 2014

Great job! One more fake off the site!

flag as inappropriate Zeke    Dec. 3, 2014
VCity Userpic

Not speaking in Jay's defense, she has earned my ire as well... But it could still be her if all the sample photos are the same woman... I've friended several here that post to other sites, and did indeed edit their photos... Just offering a "could be"......

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Dec. 3, 2014
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great job

flag as inappropriatefun4ever    Dec. 3, 2014

Had my doubts about her and now I see my thoughts were right. Ty very much for the great work of you and your team, Igor.

flag as inappropriatebeaches69 & Sunshine Wife    Dec. 3, 2014

Great job and thank you to Igor and the crew!

flag as inappropriate SamK    Dec. 3, 2014
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When Jay first joined, they sent me a link, but got worried, so I did not open it.
Now, the note I sent you on Sunday about the "pro", within 30 minutes, they changed her name to ANASTASIYA. The old posts were still on yesterday but I did not bother to look today. Did you chase them away?

flag as inappropriate psvw    Dec. 3, 2014
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Well done!

flag as inappropriate Richard    Dec. 3, 2014

Nice piece of detective work.

flag as inappropriate rahul dev    Dec. 3, 2014
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and i thought that she was a real hottie..LOL...
and i also questioned Igors licking system saying that there must be a system bug..
sorry Igor, and a great job... u saved me from a fake person..
i was thinking of doing a tribute..LOL...

flag as inappropriate ud    Dec. 3, 2014

I also noticed that some of the photos seemed like not the same woman. That and being so pissy about the scoring issue seemed off to me. My view is if you are having fun posting your own photos, why worry about how the site scores them.

 Igor    Dec. 3, 2014
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Wasn't us! We wanted to leave her blog open for 12 hours so you can see yourself....."JAY" committed suicide shorty after I posted the evidence...hehehe...

flag as inappropriate SinfullyCurious    Dec. 3, 2014

LOL yeah I'd have to think that would be fookin embarrassing!

flag as inappropriate SinfullyCurious    Dec. 3, 2014

Awesome Job!!! and damn why bother posting someone elses pics seriously? don't see the fun in that sheesh!

flag as inappropriate Nora Hot    Dec. 3, 2014
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Posting? Think how many hours did (s)he spent on photoshopping all those pics! Sick! LOL!!!!

flag as inappropriate SinfullyCurious    Dec. 3, 2014

Completely agree Nora lol

flag as inappropriate SamK    Dec. 3, 2014
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They sent me the link, if I opened, they would've had my informations. Strange, I asked Nick & Evie if they thought they were fake but told me that they received a link from them too. I did not follow up. I guess if they were legit, they won't send links out. This is the 2nd time this happened to me here, but I ignored that one too.

flag as inappropriate DJ    Dec. 3, 2014

Great job Igor, something always seemed off there

flag as inappropriate Jammer3    Dec. 3, 2014VResident
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Good work Igor and team. I was thinking that something was up with her when she tried to get me to a pay site to see more pics and videos of her. That should have been a real red flag and I wish now I had reported her to you at the time. Perhaps that would have helped to pin her down sooner...

 Igor    Dec. 3, 2014
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We already forwarded the url of her "private website" and screen dumps to the true copyright owners. I bet they will have fun with her....she did not violate our copyrights..only our faith into human nature.

flag as inappropriate Jammer3    Dec. 3, 2014VResident
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Violating our faith and trust is just as bad as violating copyrights...we are all glad she's gone.

flag as inappropriate Nora Hot    Dec. 3, 2014
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Good job and LOL @ Jay!!! Wasn't she the one who complained about the system quite often? ROFLMAO!!!!!

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